To start using our application, you need to register. On the menu (in the upper left corner), choose the "Log in/Register" option, then type your username and e-mail address in the opened window. Note that your user name and e-mail address need to be unique. If someone has already taken them, you will be informed that you need to alter your suggested user name. After that, you need to activate your account. An activation key (link) will be sent to your e-mail address. Go to your e-mail box and click on the activation link. Log in to your account using your user name and password. You will see the landing page for your language training session. Click the "Start" button. After the start of the training session, the app will show you English words (from the list of 1800 most common English words). The word you will see for the first time will be shown in one of its meanings in the example sentence with this word. You will need to remember the word and its meaning. The number of new words in a day may vary from 5 to 20, depending on your decision* (you may change it in the "options" menu). Then, after the new words are finished, the app will show you the meanings and example sentences of the words you have seen before, but this time the word itself will be hidden. You will be asked to remember, type the word, and press ‘Enter’. If your input is correct, the typed word will be highlighted in green. Incorrect characters will be highlighted in red or orange. Then you will need to click the button (at the bottom of the screen) corresponding to the correctness of your input: